#/screencityfestival http://www.screencity.no/ #/Bordos.ArtWorks Screen City Festival October 25-27th 2013 Stavanger/Sandnes, Norway Shaping Public Space. Moving Cityscapes The Screen City festival is dedicated to the moving image presented in public spaces, on the city’s facades, shop windows and urban venues enlightening and changing the vision of the urban context of Stavanger. It will take place for the […]Continue Reading
ArchivesPosts Tagged ‘light festival’
12NovStaro Riga 2013 Festival of Light – pre-warm up (+video update)

Taken at http://www.staroriga.lv/013/category/programma/ Hey, latvians, don’t you miss this! This year on 15-18th of November. Here you can see, what to expect from this weekend in Riga. Video update: Continue Reading
10JulVivid Sydney Light Festival 2013 in pictures

#/vividsydney http://www.vividsydney.com/ Sydney were once again transformed into a spectacular canvas of light, music and ideas when Vivid Sydney takes over the city after dark from 24 May – 10 June 2013. Colouring the city with creativity and inspiration, Vivid Sydney highlights include the hugely popular immersive light installations and projections; performances from local and […]Continue Reading
05DecLyon 2012 6-9 december! (+video)

Don’t forget! The best festival of light so far Fête des Lumières Lyon will open doors again tomorrow, 6-9.12.2012! #/fetedeslumieres http://www.fetedeslumieres.lyon.fr/ Continue Reading
03DecHuddersfield’s festival of light, England (+video)

Photos by Barry Skilbeck, Darren Walton and from #/FestivalofLight. http://www.kirklees.gov.uk/festival/index.shtml 3 days to go til Festival of Light 2012 – can you believe it! From 07.12.12 to 09.12.12 From breath-taking high wire performances to an open air live music stage, Festival of Light 2012 won’t disappoint. To visit the festival when it’s in full swing, head into Huddersfield […]Continue Reading
20NovAmsterdam on the eve of the festival of light (+video)

Amsterdam is very beautiful at night, this city has its own unique atmosphere. On the eve of the festival of light, which will take place very soon from 7 December 2012 to 20 January 2013, you have the opportunity to feel the atmosphere of upcoming holiday of light through our photo gallery. And don’t forget […]Continue Reading
25SepBerlin Light Festival 2011 (+video)

Only 2 weeks to come to Berlin Light Festival! This year on 10-21 October. Check out this gallery from last year’s performance! Photos from http://www.flickr.com/photos/festivaloflights/. http://festival-of-lights.de/en/ Continue Reading
21SepLight Festival “Circle of Light” in Moscow, Russia (+video)

Its looks like we have light festival fever going on! One more new light festival Only second year in a row will take a place young light festival “Circle of Light” on 28 of September 2012 in Moscow. The first international festival of light held in Moscow from 21 to 23 October 2011. His program […]Continue Reading